Below you will find a set of study guide questions that you can answer as you read through your summer reading novel. Although completing these questions is not a requirement, doing so will help you learn the material in order to be successful on your summer reading exam in first term. You can use your study guide answers on the exam itself, so it is in your best interest to complete them to the best of your ability!
You may choose to maintain a physical notebook with your answers to these questions, or you may choose to complete your answers in a digital format.
You may choose to maintain a physical notebook with your answers to these questions, or you may choose to complete your answers in a digital format.
Chapter 2, 3, and 5
1. What did the narrator find? Describe the conditions of the scene.
2. What was the name of the dog? Who did it belong to? What kind of dog was it?
3. Describe some things about Christopher John Boone... What is he like? ( continue doing this throughout the
4. Who is Siobhan (pronounced: sha-VOHN)? What do you think her job is? What does she do for Christopher?
5. What does he do to the dog? What happens next?
6. How does he react to Mrs. Shears?
Chapter 17
7. Why does being arrested make Christopher feel calmer?
Chapters 31-37
8. What ritual or routine do Christopher and his father share? Why have they developed this ritual?
9. What about the conversation with the police shows that they do not understand that Christopher is autistic or
different? What are some of the pieces they are missing?
Chapter 41
10. What does Christopher’s father tell him to do about Wellington?
Chapters 43, 47, and 53
11. What superstitious systems has Christopher created for himself? Why does he create them?
12. What does Christopher say about his mother’s death? What happened after Christopher learned that his
mother had died?
Chapter 67
13. Why does Christopher find it hard to talk to strangers? Why does he ask new people so many questions
when he gets to know them?
14. Comedy that uses satire or sarcasm to lighten unpleasant or taboo subjects is called black (or dark) humor.
How can Christopher’s interviews be considered black humor?
Chapter 79
15. What is Mrs. Alexander’s reaction when Christopher tells her about his mother’s heart attack and death?
Chapters 151-157
16. How does Christopher’s mother explain her decision to leave?
17. How does Christopher’s father explain the deception or his dishonesty of saying that his mother was dead?
Chapter 167
18. What happens when Christopher’s father holds up his open hand to comfort or assure Christopher of his
Chapters 197 and 199
19. When the policeman catches Christopher on the train, the officer is “breathing really loud and holding his
knees.” What does this action reveal about the officer, and what does the telling of it reveal about Christopher?
20. What is funny about the sequence of events when the train starts moving? How was this kind of event
foreshadowed earlier in the book?
Chapters 211 and 223
21. What is the point of showing all the signs at the station, both as they are written and as Christopher begins to
see them?
Chapter 227
22. How does Christopher’s mother react when she first sees him at the front door?
23. Describe what happens when Christopher’s father shows up to the mother’s house?
Chapter 233
24. Why does Christopher say he has to go back to Swindon? What does this illustrate or show about
25. Why does Christopher go outside at 2:07 a.m., and what happens to make him go back in?
26. What happens the night after Christopher gets home, and what can you infer or conclude about the
relationship between Christopher’s mother and Roger?
27. What two events help stabilize or calm Christopher’s life as the story ends?
28. What is Christopher’s long-term plan?
1. What did the narrator find? Describe the conditions of the scene.
2. What was the name of the dog? Who did it belong to? What kind of dog was it?
3. Describe some things about Christopher John Boone... What is he like? ( continue doing this throughout the
4. Who is Siobhan (pronounced: sha-VOHN)? What do you think her job is? What does she do for Christopher?
5. What does he do to the dog? What happens next?
6. How does he react to Mrs. Shears?
Chapter 17
7. Why does being arrested make Christopher feel calmer?
Chapters 31-37
8. What ritual or routine do Christopher and his father share? Why have they developed this ritual?
9. What about the conversation with the police shows that they do not understand that Christopher is autistic or
different? What are some of the pieces they are missing?
Chapter 41
10. What does Christopher’s father tell him to do about Wellington?
Chapters 43, 47, and 53
11. What superstitious systems has Christopher created for himself? Why does he create them?
12. What does Christopher say about his mother’s death? What happened after Christopher learned that his
mother had died?
Chapter 67
13. Why does Christopher find it hard to talk to strangers? Why does he ask new people so many questions
when he gets to know them?
14. Comedy that uses satire or sarcasm to lighten unpleasant or taboo subjects is called black (or dark) humor.
How can Christopher’s interviews be considered black humor?
Chapter 79
15. What is Mrs. Alexander’s reaction when Christopher tells her about his mother’s heart attack and death?
Chapters 151-157
16. How does Christopher’s mother explain her decision to leave?
17. How does Christopher’s father explain the deception or his dishonesty of saying that his mother was dead?
Chapter 167
18. What happens when Christopher’s father holds up his open hand to comfort or assure Christopher of his
Chapters 197 and 199
19. When the policeman catches Christopher on the train, the officer is “breathing really loud and holding his
knees.” What does this action reveal about the officer, and what does the telling of it reveal about Christopher?
20. What is funny about the sequence of events when the train starts moving? How was this kind of event
foreshadowed earlier in the book?
Chapters 211 and 223
21. What is the point of showing all the signs at the station, both as they are written and as Christopher begins to
see them?
Chapter 227
22. How does Christopher’s mother react when she first sees him at the front door?
23. Describe what happens when Christopher’s father shows up to the mother’s house?
Chapter 233
24. Why does Christopher say he has to go back to Swindon? What does this illustrate or show about
25. Why does Christopher go outside at 2:07 a.m., and what happens to make him go back in?
26. What happens the night after Christopher gets home, and what can you infer or conclude about the
relationship between Christopher’s mother and Roger?
27. What two events help stabilize or calm Christopher’s life as the story ends?
28. What is Christopher’s long-term plan?
© 2018-2024 Upper Cape Tech English Department | Last updated May 10, 2024.